Monday, January 03, 2005

Let Me In! Please...? Pretty Please???

Why do I have to change my login password for my company laptop every time I just got used to the old one?

Guys, we're living in an online-world! I have passwords for nearly every site I visit regularly and I'm not using the same one for everything. I get confused already. So why are you tormenting me with password changes?

I came to work this morning and had to try four times to login. I still can't believe that THIS is the password I chose the last time I had to change it. It was more a desperate try and I was amazed to see that it really WAS my password.

If it hadn't worked I would still see my login screen and most probably be banging my head on the table or talking with the helpdesk guy.

Or both.

Current mood: See previous posts.
Listening to: 5/4 by Gorillaz.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I deleted two of your posts because they were double, well, actually triple posts. I just wanted to point that out, to other reader's as well.
Apart from that... yeah, I'm pretty much aware of why I need to change my password, I was just bitching around because it seems I always have to change my password shortly before I am away from work (either for school or vacation) and when I get back I have trouble remembering what it was. I'm not very good at thinking of new passwords either.
Still, the 'sentence-as-password' thing is great. I might try that out the next time the system is urging me to change. Although I'm very likely to choose something as 'This password sucks' or 'I wanna go home'.