Sunday, January 16, 2005

What Shall Jamie Read?

I finished 'Our Lady of the Forest' by David Guterson this morning on the train.
I thought it was a really strange book and I have to admit that there were times when I had trouble relating to anyone of the main characters. Also, as I have mentioned before, Guterson doesn't really seem to like quotation marks, which maybe could be considered style, but honestly, I don't really mind quotation marks. I think they can even be really helpful sometimes.

Although I still have to read 'Vanity Fair' and supposedly be able to read 'Der Schwarm' soon (the boyfriend has to finish it first), I need some recommendations on what to read.

So, please tell me: What shall I read next?

All in all I'm open for anything, so just think of a great book and tell me a little bit about it. I am anxious to know.