Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Tales of the Tenant

So he won't talk to us, won't answer our calls, won't pay.

I just talked to a friend of my parents who works as a real estate agent. He said that our main goal should be to get the tenant out by February. We can still try to get the rent for January later.
Concerning our situation right now he couldn't really help, but he gave me some really useful hints what to do when we search for a new tenant, which hopefully will be really, really soon.

Anyone interested in a nice one-room apartment in Germany? We hope we'll be able to rent it soon.
There's one condition though: We'd like you to pay the rent. And be nice and polite to us, but we're willing to call the last one an option, really. Just pay, then.

Oh yeah, his lawyer will contact us soon. Because of what again...? Accepting his notice of cancellation and just having asked him to pay this month's rent?