Monday, January 10, 2005

What's Wrong With Those People?

So, you may remember my rantings about the new tenant, who up to now has paid nothing so far and out of the blue sent us his notice of cancellation on Friday.

He also wrote that we (or rather the boyfriend) could contact him on Monday (which is today) for further questions and arrangements. Only we can't contact him because he won't pick up his frickin' phone. All I get is a the regular beeping with 'Call on Me' played in the background. And that song sucks. Honestly. Now that I get to hear it every time I try to reach that guy it sucks even more and that's close to impossible.

The only thing he did is sending the boyfriend a text-message telling him that he (the boyfriend) will be contacted by his (that guy's) lawyer soon.


No, really... HUH?

What does he need a lawyer for anyway? He didn't pay, he sent us his notice of cancellation, all we need now is make arrangements so we can show the apartment to future tenants and hopefully rent it as soon as possible. There's no need for a lawyer.
But maybe I'm missing something.

Obviously the whole world went insane. I'm already thinking that maybe the best would be to sell that apartment (that brought us nothing but trouble so far) and keep our sanity.

I'm trying hard to avoid the f-word on my blog. Not because I think it's rude, but because I think that others might and I want to keep my blog as rude-free as possible. But I can't hold that back any longer, so let me say this and then I'll shut up and listen to 'Call on Me' again:
What the fuck?!?