Saturday, January 15, 2005

Why I Won The Euphemism Prize

Because I can put the simple statement 'My life sucks' in words like these:
Currently there are certain aspects of my life that lack complete perfection.

Thank you all very much. Here are some examples:

1) I can't argue with my father. It's not because of me. Nobody can argue with my father. The only possible way to have a nice insult-free and non-aggressive discussion with my father is to share his opinion in all respects. Everything else is doomed to fail.

2) I have a headache. I didn't drink. I didn't spent my whole day at the computer. I just got a headache and I don't know why. That's like the second worst way to get a headache. The worst way is waking up with one and not after a night spent with wine and liqueur.

3) I might have to go to Cologne tomorrow to buy a newspaper. Right. A newspaper. And it's Sunday, which, in underprivileged countries like Germany means that there are no stores open and thus, nothing to do. Besides buying a newspaper.

4) I still haven't managed to put together all the stuff for my applications. Sending out applications in an underprivileged country like Germany means spending a whole lot of money to be rejected. My optimism, by the way, has gone shopping. To Italy or so.

5) I don't want winter anymore. Go away, winter. You're too dark and too cold. Also, you bring me no snow. I want spring.

6) The book I'm reading right now is really very poorly written. I wonder if I would've given up already if the story wasn't interesting enough for me to keep on reading and just be frustrated by stupid word choice and bad writing like basically all the time. I haven't found an English translation of the book yet, so I figured there is none so far. You're not missing anything.

7) I'm sure there is something else, but I think I complained enough. I have to admit that I just wanted to write something for my blog and ranting was all I could come up with. I'll be back with more happy posts tomorrow. I have a whole agenda of things to do. Like introducing all my favorite blogs and bringing 'The (Not-So-)Weekly Freezer' back to life.

And a lot of other fun. Possibly.