Monday, January 10, 2005

Book Meme, Anyone?

I'm in meme mood. There are some news on the strange tenant, but I'm too lazy to write about it. Besides we won't know anything for sure until tomorrow.

This is how this meme works. Copy the list from the last person in the chain, delete the names of the authors you don't have on your home library shelves and replace them with names of authors you do have. Bold the replacements.
Also, link to the person you got it from, in this case, the fabulous me.
(Am I getting a little bit too self-confident on this blog? Cause I'm afraid I am.)

J.D. Salinger
Jack Kerouac
Bill Bryson
Douglas Adams
J.K. Rowling
JRR Tolkien
Oscar Wilde
W.H. Auden
Val McDermid

Now, go on and meme it. And tell me if you do, because I'd really like to see the list. And get comments actually, but I am REALLY more interested in the list.