Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Unconscious Mutterings - Pilot

I thought I'd take part. If you want to try, click here.

Yoda - Star Wars (Shut up! You thought it, too.)
Mensa - Really bad food
Pink - I admit, that I like her. It's P!nk though.
Text message - The tenant who uses it constantly to drive us crazy.
Galactic - Galaxy Quest (The movie, yes. Again: Shut. Up.)
Chicks - ...with guitars.
Quesadilla - Huh? I know it's food.
Backpack - Thanks, but no.
Socket - Here they left her.
Compromise - Always welcome. I'm Libra after all.

And next week will be even more fun.
By the way, can you tell that I'm at work and really bored? I thought so.