Wednesday, January 05, 2005

New Entries For The Dictionary

I'm very proud of myself. I have invented three new words so far, although I'm not so sure one counts as a new word, still I find a lot of appropriate contexts to use it.

Please feel free to include those in your conversations and writings. I'd be happy to see my creative work spread around the world.
(Yeah, like that's going to happen. Dream on, girl, dream on.)

My favorite one. A lot of things are bitchworthy. Stupid people are. Especially stupid people on trains and elevators. I don't think I need to explain the meaning of bitchworthy. It describes something worth bitching about. Who would've thought.

Dillic stands for 'Do I Look Like I Care' and somehow it evolved from Andreas' wish to have a t-shirt that said that very sentence because he saw one on 'Will & Grace'. We then started to use that sentence every time it seemed fit and then I thought that it would make a really good acronym and started to just say 'dillic'.
You can use it as a regular expression, 'Dillic?!?', to indicate your complete disinterest in something. You can also use it as an adjective, dillicky, as in 'I feel very dillicky today.' or as the noun 'dillicness', as in 'I feel a general dillicness.'

It doesn't look like it, but sbs is a verb. It's pronounced with every letter pronounced as in the alphabeth, so a little bit like as-bee-as. It stands for 'surrounded by stupidity' and - to give you an example - describes how I felt at school.
Unfortunately sbs isn't as flexible as dillic. Usually it's used like this 'I am totally sbs'd right now'.
I agree it doesn't look really good on paper, but it's a word I am sure you can use in a lot of situations (I do!), so you should really consider adding it to your active vocabulary.

Now I will wait until these words have caught on and I can call myself a great contributor to the modern english language.

Dear Thesaurus: It's January, 5th 2005, I am Jamie Affolk and these words were invented by ME!


mojo shivers said...

Bitchworthy I'm pretty sure is a word. If it isn't then it very well should be. I use bitchworthy upon occasion in everyday conversation.

Akin to that word is a word my friends made up, "bitchify," which they use in specific context to denote when somebody cuts you off while you are driving. So, to bitchify someone is to cut them off in traffic. I have had several laughs over that word as well.

Jamie said...

Okay, then I invented two words. I was unsure about the first one anyway. I still don't think that it's actually in a dictionary. They should add it though.

Anonymous said...

Love the words. I just told my husband he was bitchworthy. I got a blank stare back, but I laughed. ha ha. Hey! I'm trying to organize a day of peace and prayer for BE members. If you are in just post a short notice on your blog tomorrow asking people to send thoughts of peace and or prayer to the victims of the tsunami. That will give the folks who usually stare off into space for that 30 seconds, something constructive to do. And how powerful would that be? If you are in...spread the word. Thanks!

Mellie Helen said...

* scribbles in notepad: "Dillic"....* Yep, that's a keeper!

Cecilia said...

Ditto for "Dillic". Really delish on that one, Jamie. I shall be using that word from now on. Brilliant. :)