Tuesday, January 04, 2005

10 Reasons Why You Should Not Let Me Browse The Language Section In Any Given Bookstore

1) I will buy something.

2) On a day like yesterday I will also complain about stupid women who are surprised when told by a not-so-stupid bookseller that Langenscheidt indeed has several packages containing CDs for Portuguese. It's Langenscheidt! That's like the #1-publishing house for languages. Get with the program, lady!
And yes, there IS a difference between Audio-CDs and CD-ROMs. A significant one.

3) I will consider learning Czechian.

4) I will tell you at least 20 times how fascinating languages are.

5) I will consider learning Arabic.

6) I will come to you at least 3 times with some language guide and show you how strange that language looks like. And I won't mind that you were just deeply absorbed in some other book. Because my book is more important than yours.

7) I will consider learning Icelandic.

8) I will throw disparaging looks at the stupid woman who is still browsing the portuguese language books instead of just calling her daughter to get the ISBN-Number of that CD she's got. (It's still not clear if we're talking about an Audio-CD or a CD-ROM here.)

9) I will try to find out if there's a job where I can learn languages the whole time and still get paid.

10) I will end up buying a language guide for Romanian.


Brandon said...

But Romanian language guides are the coolest!

Jamie said...

That's why I got one. It's only a very tiny one, because I didn't have so much money to spare and the next good one was 29 Euro.
But I can already say useful things like 'Unde este hotelul?' or something like that.
Since I both learned French and a little bit of Latin I recognize a lot of words. It's still a very strange language though. It's a fascinating mixture of romanic and slavic influences.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha! Same here! I love to dig into those books just to see the peculiarities of each language. My latest idea was to learn Japanese, something completely useless for a Colombian, like me. I'll try to learn just for the fun of it.
