Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Yada Yada Yada - The Collected Blabber of Jamie

My ear is hot from talking on the phone for... I don't know... really long. First to a friend who called here and then to my cousin Lina to tell her they all are invited to our wedding. My aunt and uncle are on a trip in Syria or Jordania or whatever, so I won't be able to tell them the news for another two weeks.
My other aunt is in Australia, but hopefully she will be back for the wedding, since I wouldn't want to miss her.

Also, the shirts from glarkware arrived today, so right now I'm writing in my already beloved yellow Swedish Mafia shirt. I want more of them. Now.

Then I unknowingly sabotaged some system at work today, but it really wasn't my fault. I'm so very innocent. I just saw an error on one of the sites and asked if I should correct it and they only realized later that I was working on a thing involving a really large database and was blocking the system like a lot. So, not my fault. At all.

I so need the 'My boyfriend can totally beat up your boyfriend' shirt. And the 'Are we there yet?' because it's my favorite question if I want to drive someone crazy.

'Are we there yet?
My feet hurt.
I'm hungry.
Is it really far from here?
I'm thirsty. Really thirsty.
And my feet hurt.
I'm hungry and thirsty and my feet hurt.
I have to pee.
Are we there yet?'

If I try really hard I'm the personification of every parents' nightmare.

So, basically.... can you guess?

Yes. My life is a chaos right now. It's messy and chaotic and crammed with new stuff and I love it. Love it love it love it.

If only I weren't so tired.