Monday, March 07, 2005

Love and Marriage and How to Get There (Episode 7)

I asked my new boss tonight if I can have a day off on April, 11th. He said yes. So we're ready to set the date for good.

And then we just may tell other people about it. I wonder how the reactions will be.

I wonder if the way we're dealing with getting married is strange. We don't plan a party, we surely won't invite a lot of people. We don't even know if there are going to be rings... although I'm pretty sure I want one.
Are we unromantic? Hurried?

Basically I just think that although we're not planning to celebrate that day like a lot of people would think appropriate, it is important to us. I have my mind settled on that date for very emotional reasons and I don't think I can wait another year. It's neither romantic nor rational.

But, I think it's a statement which is important to both of us. It's us saying: 'This is the person I want to spend my life with.' I don't need a big audience to do it, nor a big party. And though that may seem strange to some people, it doesn't seem so strange to me.