Friday, March 04, 2005

And Slowly It Is (No, I'm Not Whiny)

No post again yesterday. I fell asleep on the couch around 10:30 pm and barely managed to drag myself into bed later. My throat hurts like hell and I have a teeny-weeny bit of high temperature, but it's more like a little more than I usually have, so it's not even close to be called feverish. I'm just carrying around a mean cold is what it is.

Anyway I was a brave girl and wouldn't let myself even think of calling in sick, so I have to cure the cold on the weekend, along with learning French, finishing Vanity Fair and playing around with Flash and ActionScript, since the latter is what I did at work for the last two days building a new intro for their website. Yes, I'm creativity gal right now and it drives me nuts. I like it more when I'm programming gal, but I guess I can't always have what I want.

On a more, let's say - profane matter, I'm catching up on Six Feet Under right now. Also, I'm not that far behind anymore concerning Smallville and Charmed. That's basically all I have accomplished at home. I wasn't strong enough to even clean up the piles of paper and stuff crowding my desk. The new job and that mean cold made me a tired feeble woman.

And let me get that straight: I'm not whining. Nor am I complaining.
I'm just stating the facts.
I guess next week will be better. I just really need the weekend now to recover and do all these housework tasks I have so consequently neglected this week.

God, my bed looks great. I want to go there. Now.

By the way, thanks for all your understanding comments. One of the worst things is that I really want to write blog entries. I had so much in mind to write about, but once more reality stood in my way.

And just so you know... this is me whining: I so need money. I want CDs of Benjamin Biolay so badly it hurts. And there's this whole list of books I want to read. I need money. I have earned money. Why isn't it on my bank account? I really need these CDs. It's practically a matter of life and death.
That was me whining. Did you like it. Nah, didn't think so either.