Sunday, March 20, 2005

Late In The Evening (And It Turns Out I'm Ranting)

Once again I'm proud that I've managed once again to use a song title as a blog entry title and get away with it. Because it's really late in the evening.

We got back from Cologne about an hour ago (please note the time I posted this) where we spent and afternoon buying stuff we really don't need and an evening with my aunt and her girlfriend who made yummy things for us (canelloni and tiramisu... I'm just saying).

So, not much news here other than I'm tired and I'm pissed because the CD I bought won't play on my computer. Excuse me for using that king of language but reallly... Fuck copy controlled CDs! I don't have a CD player in my room, only my computer so get your crap together and make them work on my computer. I actually spent money on this CD, so I think I deserve to be able to listen to it. Jeez, guys. Do you still think that copy control will prevent any CD from being distributed on the internet in the long run? Because my experience tells me otherwise. So far I've been able to download every copy controlled CD I bought and COULDN'T PLAY ON MY COMPUTER. It doesn't help. At all. It only gets me pissed. And you really don't want that. Or maybe you don't care at all, but I like to think that you don't want me getting pissed.

So, since it's really late and my brain can't think of very interesting things to write I'll just tell you what we bought and then I will go to bed.

The boyfriend: a music stand, two books (one about Ebay and some novel that I don't remember the title of) and a DVD of a concert of Oscar Peterson.

Me: Jane Eyre (which I think I must read after reading The Eyre Affair, and besides it was just 2.30 Euro, so I couldn't really resist), Bye Bye Beauté by Coralie Clement which won't fucking play on my computer, and a skirt which will be a part of my wedding outfit and is just incredibly cute. Plus, I can always wear it at work or mostly anywhere else. I can display a lot of pragmatism if I want to.
And Pecorino cheese, which should go in the fridge right now. I totally forgot about that.

So, basically we spent a lot of money. But you have to treat yourself with something nice every now and then, don't you?
Every now and then naturally meaning every single day.