Friday, March 25, 2005

(Not-So-Much) Thursday Fun: The Case is Open

Due to job change, sickness (twice) and other circumstances the cases have been closed for the lasst few weeks. Now they're open again. Since shelf #3 turned out to be shelf #2's twin brother and you had to wait so long I decided to make it a double feature today.

So, clap your hands for shelf #3 and shelf #4...

So, what do they offer?

Shelf #3 brings us more video tapes. We have lot of them. But most of them are better labeled, because I put my whole heart in it in the olden days when there were no DVDs. I think I can make out 'Jennifer Eight' and 'E-Mail For You' and 'Tot Ziens', some independent Dutch movie. Yes, I was independent gal once, before I realized that after all I like mainstream better. At least I can say that I know what I'm talking about.

Shelf #4 is one of the bottom shelves, meaning that we will have big books (mostly art books) and sheet music. This one is more big books and I don't think a single one of them is mine. So I don't really have a lot to say about them.