Friday, March 25, 2005

Love and Marriage and How to Get There (Episode 13)

I really never wanted to make this blog about my wedding, it's just as it is coming closer, of course I think more about it, and since this blog is about me and my life, it's bound to come up a little more often these days. Bear with me.

I was just standing in the kitchen preparing a nice dessert for tomorrow evening and listening to 'The Final Frontier' from the Mad About You Soundtrack that suddenly tears came to my eyes, because at that moment it seemed I realized what was happening around me.

Don't get me wrong. I know what I am doing. I don't decide to get married all blue-eyed and naive and romantic. I think I pretty much am aware of how big this thing is and decided that this the time and this is the man. But there's somewhere else and I think I totally forgot about that...

For nearly 10 years now I have been a fan of Mad About You. I love this show. I would admit that the first four seasons were a lot better than the last three, but even in the later days the show was great and it made me laugh a lot and even cry. I still can't bear to wear the finale of the fourth season where they break up because it's so frickin' sad. And they made me cry with the damn montage at the end of the last episode because it was so sweet and seemed so real and... sigh.

Whatever that show was a lot about marriage in the way that it centered around the struggling of newlyweds in their everyday life. In a sitcomy way, but still. And I always wanted to live like that. I admit that I also might have been a little bit in love with Paul. Yep.

Now when I listened to that song, which has those wonderful lyrics which say exactly what the show is about. It's about not knowing anything about what's to come, but being brave because the person you love is at your side. It's about being afraid and confused, but then again happy and confident. And it also reminds me of the show and all its little moments that I love.

And this is what is happening in my life right now. In a way I have no idea what we're doing here right now. How could I? I have never done it before, so how am I supposed to know what we're getting into.

But we'll jump anyway. Because nothing can happen to us after all.

And that's about what I was thinking when I listened to the song. And that's why I was close to break out in tears. Happy tears.