Monday, March 14, 2005

No, She's Still Singing... (Because I HAD To Say It)

There was this non-discussion about Edie Brickell on srah's site. It's really a non-discussion, so I wonder why I feel the need to comment on it so urgently, but I do and that's that.

So, let me get that straight:

1) Edie Brickell is great.

I think I could just stop writing right now and leave it at that, because what more do you need to know. Yet, I will go on.

2) She is still singing. Proof is here.

3) The rich hippe was Paul Simon actually, who, by all means is not a rich hippe. Rich, maybe. Or most probably. I don't really know if they are still together, but then again I don't really care.

4) Did I mention that Edie Brickell is great?

Oh, I guess I did...