Monday, February 07, 2005

Does My Heart Know More Than My Head?

I start wondering whether I've already made my decision concerning the job situation. Maybe that's a little bit pushy, since I haven't heard the magical words 'You're hired' yet, but I need to think about it in case it really happens.

All the signs say that I want to take the new job. I'm constantly watching arte and have seen documentaries about some Taoists in China, gold-digging in Siberia, comic superheroes and the German elite boarding school Salem, all in French. I haven't ever watched arte before.

I also carry around my old Grammaire explicative (together with exercises and answers) wherever I go in case a sudden lust for French grammar takes possession of me.

I also think about refreshing and expanding my JavaScript and XML knowledge and have the first 80 pages of a printed out JavaScript ebook in my purse.

All these little things make me wonder whether I have already decided but somehow forgot to tell myself.

So, here's to my heart: Precious one, please let me know. Do you already know what I want? Because it would be nice to know what I want. Just this once.