Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Dizzy-Headed Girl With a List

I can't wait for the time when I can have clear thoughts again and am not absorbed in what-ifs and how-will-it-bes and am-I-up-to-its.

My head feels so dizzy with all kinds of strange thoughts I haven't ever had before or at least not to this extent. I want a clear head. As soon as possible, if you please.

So far my feeble excuse for not writing that long and interesting blog entries the last few days.

But I have done this. That's my very not-accurate list of the books I've read. I do remember all of 2005, but the complete list of 2004 has escaped my porous memory and 2003 is mostly a compilation of my amazon orders and what I found in our bookcases. I hope it's incomplete, because I really should have read more.

You can always reach the list via the cute little blue button you see in the sidebar. The one that says WHAT I READ. Obviously.

And now I need to add 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz' to the list while listening to Coralie Clement. I seem to surround myself with French things lately.