Friday, February 25, 2005

Another Proof That I'm Oh-So-Smart

Yesterday I went shopping (without the boyfriend I might add) and I totally did NOT forget to buy q-tips and toilet paper. That just makes me incredibly smart, doesn't it?

No seriously, do you know that, too, when there's something in your household that you don't need to buy very often like toilet paper, toothpicks or salt for example and then when you run out of it you forget to buy it over and over and over again? Because it happens to me all the time.

I was short of salt for a couple of weeks because every damn time I was at the supermarket I forgot to buy some since I only need to buy a new package about twice a year or so. And you can't remember my happiness (and inner pride) when I finally managed to remember to buy some and I didn't have to be stingy with salt anymore.

Still I'm afraid that we might run out of matches soon.