Update: I decided to finish the list. Now you can read the whole 100 things about me. Have fun and learn.
Yes, it seems to be protocol by now. But it also is kind of fun, so who am I to resist?
1. I have had 2 pseudonyms so far.
2. I like my first name but I'm not so fond of my last name.
3. I was partly raised by my grandparents. At least to me it feels like I was.
4. I skipped first grade.
5. My great-grandfather taught upright bass at the Cologne academy of music.
6. I had ten years of piano lessons and I can play really good.
7. I don't like to be pressured.
8. I'm still scared of one particular children's book. I'm so scared that I don't even dare to tell you which one.
9. I haven't even read it.
10. I just recently started to drink coffee.
11. I still only like coffee with a lot of additional syrup, milk and sugar.
12. I love languages. I wish I could speak more languages.
13. My childhood vacation memories are all connected to France.
14. I can sleep nearly everywhere. I'm very good at sleeping.
15. I stole a strawberry when I was in primary school.
16. I suck at any kind of sports. Always have, probably always will.
17. I'm deeply in love with the man I want to marry.
18. I already have picked our wedding day. Or at least the day I would like to be our wedding day.
19. I haven't figured out what I want to do yet. I feel overwhelmed by the possibilities and seem unable to pick one.
20. I can be very impatient with people.
21. I can be VERY patient with animals.
22. I am scared of death. Not particularly mine but death in general. I am extremely scared of losing people I love.
23. I have a stuffed weasel which I always hold in my hand when I fall asleep.
24. I have seen Paul Simon play live twice.
25. I was backstage with Beth Orton for approximately 10 minutes and had no idea what I should say.
26. I remember a lot of things.
27. I have a lot of childhood memories. I could draw you a ground plan of my kindergarten and tell you the names of all the teachers.
28. I have never been on TV. Although I was close twice.
29. I wasn't really popular in high school. In fact I was the opposite of popular.
30. Every guy I fell in love with was at least 10 years older than me.
31. I watch a lot of TV.
32. I was too scared to play System Shock 2. I had a friend play it for me.
33. I moved out when I was 19.
34. I play with my food.
35. I have been to the opera three (or four) times.
36. I have written three novels so far. They were all really bad.
37. I won our school's short story contest once. I entered two stories and they both won. The following year you were only allowed to enter one short story.
38. I had straight A+'s in math the last two years of high school.
39. I sometimes do math tasks from old schoolbooks to relax.
40. I hardly ever don't like a movie.
41. The magazines I buy regularly are: A
cooking magazine, a
games magazine, a
style magazine and a
TV magazine.
42. By regularly I mean every issue.
43. I was in a children's choir for about one year.
44. I love nearly everything of the Muppets.
45. I like to sort flyers and stuff when I'm waiting somewhere.
46. I was afraid of the Count von Count from Sesame Street when I was small (and - obviously - stupid).
47. I have never broken a bone in my life.
48. But I have broken a lot of glasses, plates, cups. I blame my lack of real 3D-sight.
49. I got my driver's license three days after my 18th birthday.
50. I seem to like Japanese cars.
51. I have a weak spot for Gilbert O'Sullivan.
52. I have been raised kind of catholic and have only good memories of it.
53. Yet I haven't been to church (with two exceptions) in years.
54. I like milk.
55. Theoretically I'm afraid of flying. Yet once I'm in a plane I am all giddy and excited.
56. I have a lot of hair. But it doesn't look like it.
57. Dogs have been my favorite animal since primary school.
58. I didn't like the second book of The Lord of the Rings. Most of the time I had no clue what was going on. (I liked the Ents though.)
59. I don't mind movies based on books. I hate it when people complain about how a movie wasn't at all like the book or that you could never make a movie based on a particular book. It's a book. It's a movie. They're different media. Deal with it.
60. I don't know how to operate the phone in the office. I can call and take calls. That's about it.
61. I can operate VCRs. I managed to program a completely unprogrammed VCR without any kind of manual. But since the remote to my VCR is broken I'm not able to program mine.
62. Three of my grandparents come from now Eastern Europe countries (namely Lithuania and Czechia). They're German though, they just lived there before the war.
63. I don't like crowds.
64. Dripping water faucets drive me crazy. Not regular crazy, but there-are-no-words crazy.
65. I'm not afraid of wasps, hornets and most other insects. In fact when there's a wasp in the house I don't kill but catch it and let it fly outside. I have done it with hornets as well.
66. Spiders are NOT insects. I would like to stress that.
67. When I'm drunk I'm either extremely giddy or extremely whiny. And you can do nothing about it.
68. I sleepwalked when I was a kid.
69. I believe in aliens. Not little green men. But I figure that since there's an indefinite number of planets out there, there must be life on some of them.
70. I read all the books of the 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' series several times.
71. I have low blood pressure. Not too low, just low.
72. Although I don't really believe in zodiac signs and what they say about one's personality I firmly believe that I am as Libra as Libra can be.
73. I don't usually hold grudges. But if I do, it's close to permanent.
74. I have really good teeth and I don't have to do anything for it. I know how lucky I am.
75. I have no allergies (at least not that I know of).
I am an orthography nerd. I like things to be spelled properly. Hence, the internet drives me crazy.
77. But I can live with that. What I can't live with is things being spelled wrong in books. Get it right, guys. You're getting paid for it.
78. I consider Diet Coke a very modern form of hypocrisy.
79. I would love to go to a Karaoke night, but I never have so far. Yes, I would sing.
80. Two of my grandaunts are nuns. I always wanted to know how their hair looked like when I was a kid.
81. According to everything I've read I'm going to get scaringly old.
82. I tend to wear down my favorite clothes and shoes to the point where they can't be mended anymore.
83. I don't like bananas unless they're fried and sprinkled with honey. Everything else is a no-can-do.
84. I still have childish fantasies where I become best friends with some celebrity. And I kind of believe in them. Hey, anything can happen!
85. I have a strange obsession with Iceland since I was fourteen or so. I want to go there someday.
86. I don't have a nickname. Never have. My real name doesn't make for a good nickname.
87. I don't mind doing the laundry or the dishes at all.
88. I love IKEA.
89. Then again, who doesn't?
90. When I saw 'Martha Meet Frank, Daniel and Laurence' I was alone in the cinema. It was a hot summer afternoon and apparently nobody else wanted to see an independent British movie in the original language with subtitles. Peasants.
91. I burned all my diaries a few years ago. It was about the most radical thing I have ever done.
92. Jane Austen's books always surprise me.
93. I'm very good at reading maps and giving driving instructions.
94. Yet I always confuse left and right.
95. I never had my ears pierced. I'm thinking about it from time to time, though.
96. I love wearing skirts and dresses. I'm really girly that way.
97. My mom was 19 when I was born. I wasn't exactly planned.
98. The story of my birth scares the shit out of me. I always feel sorry for my mom and kind of responsible.
99. I am an only child. Go figure.
100. Ah, what the hell. My real name is Anne.