Sunday, April 17, 2005

When My Musical Taste Scares Me

How weird is it that I totally want to get Emma Bunton's (yes, Emma Bunton is Baby Spice, very much yes indeed) latest CD?
With totally I mean that I was close to buying it yesterday and really close to ordering it from amazon today and I am just now listening to 'Maybe'.

It's just that I am a total sucker for Easy Listening, preferably the 60s-like kind and the samples I listened to were so much my taste that I just know that within this week my order will be sent out. I know myself too good to doubt that by the end of the week that CD will be spinning over and over in our kitchen CD-player.

On the other side it shows just how open-minded I am when it comes to music. So, trust me on that. Or wait a few days until I can tell you exactly how much I like this record.