Sunday, April 03, 2005


As we all know going to IKEA is a two-hour-experience. Lunch included.

Not included is the six hours and more it takes to put together whatever you bought and arranging your rooms according to the new piece of furniture. Especially when this includes cleaning out all your bookshelves. Because then your living room will look like this all day long.

It's midnight right now and I'm exhausted. I will tell you more about the IKEA experience and its scary repercussions tomorrow. If I can get up.

Just so you know... we bought half of our bed. We will have a bed! Isn't that awfully good news. A bed. A real bed. I think it started with me wanting to buy new bedclothes and my mom telling me that nothing I liked would ever look as good lying basycally on the floor. So I knew we needed to buy a bed. So then I can buy beautiful bedclothes and be happy as a clam.

Wow, I'm so turning into a hosewife. Aside from the fact that I'm working 40 hours a week, I really am.