Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Nobody Told Me

Really, nobody told me that getting married is so exhausting. I need to go bed now, but I wanted to show at least some nice pictures. But don't get too excited, it's just some of the flowers I got. But they're so lovely I had to share them with you. If there would be a smell-recording device I'd offer you to smell my roses, but unfortunately there's not - or again: nobody told me.

Now, that's my wedding bouquet - which you might have guessed... I didn't throw it. I'm a selfish only child. I like to keep everything I get. Mine.

And that's the flowers my aunt gave me. Beuatiful, aren't they. Oh, I love to get flowers. I don't buy them, because they're too expensive and up to now I never had vases anyway (we'll see if my mom wants those back), but I really love to get flowers.

I'm still waiting for the real photos to find their way to me to see. But I haven't seen any of them yet. We really looked good though. Promise.