Wednesday, April 06, 2005

A Lame Excuse

Yesterday evening all of a sudden my internet broke down. I didn't have access to anything, not the web, not my email, nothing. Not my blog. Things like that piss me off, internet junkie as I am.

What's even worse is that we have this not-that-complicated-but-complicated-enough router connection that always takes months to set up because we always do it the trial and error way and I was afraid something was wrong with the router and we would have to go through all the trouble of setting it up again.

That worry was gone today around noon when the boyfriend told me that his internet connection worked, so obviously nothing was wrong with the router. That also meant that something was wrong with my computer. Turns out it was only the modem who somehow got loose from the PCI-slot and therefore I couldn't access the internet anymore. Fixed in less than five minutes.

But still, I hate when things like that happen. Especially at night when I don't have the nerve to fix these things anymore.

Now I'm online again. Ready to blog. Welcome me back.