Saturday, November 13, 2004

Please Tell Me How To Do It!

Why, for heaven's sake, can't I pull myself together and actually do something useful? Another perfectly wasted day and I just know I have things to do. The only thing I accomplished today was catching up on Charmed a little more. Strange enough the two episodes I watched were actually pretty good, especially since I'm not so satisfied with the sixth season so far. Anyway.

Yesterday Mücke came to visit us and stay over night. He and Pi wanted to do some computer stuff, mainly using Mücke's computer to burn some backups on DVD. Since we don't have a DVD burner Pi was happy to use Mücke's computer and organize his data a little. But somehow we wouldn't stop talking over dinner, so we talked for like six hours or so, then tried to watch 'The Salton Sea', but both Mücke and I fell asleep somewhere in the first half, so Pi stopped the movie and we all went to bed around 2 am or something like that. We had about 3 1/2 bottles of wine, so we were all pretty drunk. But it was both really interesting and fun.

So today the boys finally got to do whatever they wanted to and I spent most of morning and early afternoon on the couch.
Then my mother called and said she wanted to come over and bring us fruit cake. Again. No, she's not baking fruit cake every single day, but - apperently - a lot these days. When she came, Pi and Mücke had just went off to town (don't ask me what for, cause I don't really remember). She wanted to go see my grandfather then, so she asked me if I wanted to come to, since I haven't seen my grandfather for like three to six months (yes, shame on me, I KNOW!) and after a long search for Pi's keys (he had taken mine, of course) I came with her. I was a little bit shocked (although I was prepared) how much weight my grandfather lost during those last months. Then again, he's 93, and I consider him to be pretty 'fit' for his age. I mean you can still talk with him, and as far as I know he's in no great pain, despite of all the little problems his age brings with it. So my mother made him lunch and we stayed there for what I would guess was about half an hour. He even told me to say hello to Pi, which I always consider very sweet. Then we went to a second hand store to look for new used shoes for me, but it was closed already, so we just went to get some turkish 'fast food' (Döner and Lahmacun) for my Dad and the three of us at home.
All in all it was really nice to spend a little time with my mother. I had planned to call my parents all week ( I figured that one week after the US election would be long enough), but somehow I always forgot.

What else? I can't believe it's Saturday. I'm pretty overwhelmed by the idea that the weekend isn't over yet and I have another complete day free. Somehow my feeling for time got all wuzzy. I also have a free day on Thursday and Monday. Please, let me be able to actually seize these days! I'm so sick of my laziness lately, yet I can't bring myself to do something halfway useful. This has to stop!

Okay, that's it for today. Oh, I think I'm going to tell Pi about this blog. I haven't told him so far, because I thought I might want this to be all for myself (and the world apparently), but I think he knows something is going on and I don't want him to get confused about it in any way. I figured it would be just fair and it would save me all the strangeness of keeping a secret from the very man I want to share a life with. Any thoughts on that?

Current mood: A little bit tired, all in all really balanced.
Listening to: Quiet by Rachael Yamagata (love the girl)

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