Sunday, November 07, 2004

Bedtime Coming Close

Another post only because I feel like it...

Today's dinner was part of the game 'Empty-the-Freezer'. So we had chicken with french fries and croquettes plus peas and cauliflower. Basically, everything that was in the freezer, still good and could actually be mixed together.
For dessert we had B&J and Campari Orange, only I always add a little bit of grenadine to mine, because I like the extra-sweetness. We bought the Campari for the cookies I made, so now we can have a little cocktail in the evening. Very nice.
By the way, I don't actually think that this is even slightly interesting for anybody. You read it anyway, didn't you? See?

I'm very tired now and I think I'm going to get ready for bed, go to bed, read like two sentences from the book that is closest to me and then sleep (hopefully safe & sound).


caitlin said...

forgive me, but i find frozen blumenkohl facinating! i love to hear what you're eating out of your freezer- so there. i'm also aware of the small size of german freezers, so even having such options to feed 2 people is rather amazing.
as far as news stories go, have you seen bowling for columbine? be glad you live in a country that isn't sensationalist about the inredible number of murders and other violent crimes it has going on all the time. and then there's the lovely news of our recent elections. finally, i'm interested- what kind of board games? and the pleasures of board vs. cards?

Jamie said...

Caitlin, of course I paid attention to the 2004 election. I even ordered Jon Stewart's 'America: A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction', but it hasn't gotten here yet. It's a long way across the ocean. I think I'm going to write some more about that and the whole boardgame thing in one of my next blogs. We played 'St. Petersburg' (see that day and Pi won. There's a very good site about boardgames, it's and is all in English. But as I said, I will also try to write something about it from my own personal view as soon as possible.