Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Our Freezer Inside

So, for everybody out there interested in that, here's the exclusive view into our freezer after the cleaning up and defreezing. Looks nice now, doesn't it?
Today will be a series of somehow connected posts, because I can't find enough time to write a real long one, so I'll just post fragments when I can spare five minutes or so.

Freezer Inside Posted by Hello

Also, I need to wash my hair now.


caitlin said...

who knew your freezer would become so important to your blog! see, the dinner-from-the-freezer post was just forshadowing the horror that would soon befall you...well, it's not that bad...
your snow looks lovely, worth getting cold feet over. there was rumors of snow in chicago today, but just cold and windy- nothing at all anywhere near picturesque.
i think boardgames are like ice cream flavors in that what is perfectly normal in germany no one has ever heard of in the us, and vice versa- even if it's an amercan (or ravensberger, vice versa) game. if they made amaretto ice cream here- wow!

Jamie said...

The snow is all gone now... I don't think it will come back any time soon.
It's strange how you (or at least I am) always long for the little things you don't have in your 'culture'. Like ice-cream. I was so happy when I first saw B&J here, I practically freaked out (in the good way).
By the way, I read that they have licorice-flavored ice-cream in Finland. It's a shame I don't like licorice.