Sunday, November 07, 2004

It's Online!!! And Useless As Ever!

Just a short post before Pi and I go play boardgames. No, I'm not kidding.

Anyway, I wanted to announce the all new version of serriste which I just put online. Okay, part of it has been online for months now, but I finally made everything fit for the new layout, so you can actually go look at it now.
Bad news is, I still have all these nonsense filler texts to replace with more readable stuff, but I will work on that later. So, there's not much interesting to read, though hopefully that will change soon. Now that I went from frameless to frame-based I might actually think about updating from time to time, so I'm a little bit more motivated now.
It looks nice, too.


And you should really not be so judgmental about boardgames. They're great. And really expensive.

I cleaned up my desk a little, mostly sorting all the papers. I have at least three printed versions of my project documentation (part of the final exam of my training, don't ask) here, a lot of useless stuff from school and a really nice and revealing 'written chat' of Andreas and me during some UNIX-course. I think about scanning and posting it, although I guess it's very hard to follow (especially with the little German every now and then) and you might actually not like me after you read it. But I still might. Worth the risk. I just hope Andreas won't mind.

Current mood: Since I've accomplished something, I'm really fine.
Listening to: Reason Why by Rachael Yamagata because this is one of the best albums of the year.

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