Monday, May 02, 2005

Is Dr. Phil Around?

I really need to have this thing checked out.
I just had a wild coughing fit under the shower and I can still feel it trying to start again and it's not funny.
I have the doctor's appointment on June, 2nd and they're going to ultrasound my thyroid gland. How fantastically weird is that? I believe that after that there's not much they can check out.
I've had my lungs x-rayed and a doctor shove a tube through my nose into my esophagus (try to avoid that if you can, because it's just as icky as it sounds) and nobody found anything. I'm counting on my thyroid gland now. As strange as it may sound, I just want to know that something is wrong with them, because then I would be able to do something against it. Right now I'm just having coughing fits and I have no clue where they come from. I really need some part of my body to point the finger.

'So it is you have been bugging me for the last three days, huh? Had your fun for a long time, didn't you? Well, it's over now, honey, that much I can tell ya. O-vah. For good.'

PS: I had to look up all the medical terms. Although I am smart I'm not a genius. Or a doctor. Or both. The German terms are Schilddrüse and Speiseröhre. Cute, huh?