Friday, December 31, 2004

Shut Up And Make 'Em Shorter

Are my posts too long?

I am getting traffic from recently but either my blog is completely boring or something else keeps YOU from commenting, blogmarking, rating, whatever.

Now I wonder: Are my posts too long?

Because I realize that when you surf upon a blog you don't know there has to be something on the very first page that grabs your interest so you won't just keep on surfing.

Should I shut up? Now?

I am just a girl pining for a little attention from the world out there. So, puh-lease. Gimme some.

Current mood: Feeling neglected. Sniff.
Listening to: Nada. Rien. Nichts. Running out of languages I actually can speak.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Aw.. don't feel bad! I don't think your posts are too long. I'm just not big on commenting unless I have something witty/sarcastic/offensive to say. :^) And I just enjoy checking up on The Wonderful World of Jamie. I guess maybe I should say that from time to time, eh? Cyberspace can seem pretty dark sometimes, but I'm sure there's others out there too.

Happy 2005!